Martin Hare Robertson

Open Source Projects

This section of this site is focused on a collection of open source projects which I primarily worked on in the period 2010 - 2014. I don't actively support these any more.

I collected download stats during the ~10 year period (2010 - 2022) that I ran a couple of file distribution websites for these projects.

InTrace (2010 - 2014)

InTrace is a tool which enables the tracing of program execution without recompilation. You can easily trace your own classes, library classes or system classes. This tool can be used by adding a single extra JVM parameter to a new JVM process (see below) or by using the Eclipse plugin.

InMemProfiler (2010 - 2012)

InMemProfiler is a tool for tracking the allocation and lifetime of Java objects. This tool aims to answer the following questions.

Java Thread Dump Analyser (2011 - 2012)

Java Thread Dump Analyser is a tool for quickly summarising lengthy Java thread dumps.

Java Live Thread Analyser (2012)

Java Live Thread Analyser is a tool for identifying the source of Java thread allocations.

SWTJar (2011)

SWTJar is a tool for easily packaging SWT Java applications into a single cross platform Jar.

EmmaCheck (2011)

EmmaCheck is an ant task which enforces particular Java code coverage levels.

JDEclipse-Realign (2012 - 2013)

JDEclipse-Realign is a fork of a project which enhances JD Eclipse to align the generated source code with the correct debug line numbers.

Code Trails (2012)

Code Trails are collections of simple markers within code comments that highlight particular functionality and themes. The Code Trails plugin enables this functionality within Eclipse.

JaCoCo (2013)

JaCoCo is a fork of the JaCoCo code coverage library to enable me to work on adding filters that improve coverage reports.

Arduino Manchester Encoding (2012, plus >20 community pull requests since then)

Arduino Manchester Encoding is a library for use in RF links.