How InTrace Works

InTrace is a Java Agent which transforms Java bytecode at runtime to add instrumentation. InTrace works without access to source code but the following example will illustrate the transformation which InTrace is performing.

This is a short Example Java source file defining a program which runs forever making random time dependent choices.

package example;

import java.util.Arrays;

public class TraceExample

   * @param args
   * @throws Exception
  public static void main(String[] args)
    catch (Throwable ex)

  public static void otherMain(String arg) throws Exception
    while (true)

  private static void workMethod(String foo)
    long currentTime = System.currentTimeMillis();
    System.setProperty("a", foo);
    System.setProperty("foo", exceptionMethod());
    System.setProperty("foo", ": " + intArrayMethod(new int[]
    { 1, 2, 3 }));
    if ((currentTime % 2) == 0)
      System.setProperty("a", "Even time");
      System.setProperty("a", "Odd time");

  private static String exceptionMethod()
      long currentTime = System.currentTimeMillis();
      if ((currentTime % 2) == 0)
        throw new Exception("Exception text");
    catch (Exception ex)
      return "seen exception";
    return "no exception";

  private static int intArrayMethod(int[] intArg)
    System.setProperty("a", Arrays.toString(intArg));
    return 123;

This is what the program gets transformed to at runtime by InTrace. The source listed here is a manually cleaned up copy based on using Jadclipse to decompile the transformed bytecode produced by InTrace.

package example;

import java.util.Arrays;
import org.intrace.output.AgentHelper;

public class TraceExample
    public TraceExample()
        AgentHelper.enter("example.TraceExample", "<init>", 5);
        AgentHelper.exit("example.TraceExample", "<init>", 5);

    public static void main(String args[])
       AgentHelper.enter("example.TraceExample", "main", 16);
       AgentHelper.val("Arg", "example.TraceExample", "main", args);
       catch (Throwable ex)
         AgentHelper.caught("example.TraceExample", "main", 18, ex);
       AgentHelper.exit("example.TraceExample", "main", 22);

    public static void otherMain(String s) throws Exception
        AgentHelper.enter("example.TraceExample", "otherMain", 28);
        AgentHelper.val("Arg", "example.TraceExample", "otherMain", s);
            AgentHelper.branch("example.TraceExample", "otherMain", 28);
        } while(true);
       // No exit trace is generated as the Java Compiler spotted this was an infinite loop
       // and did not bother to output a return instruction.

    private static void workMethod(String s)
        AgentHelper.enter("example.TraceExample", "workMethod", 35);
        AgentHelper.val("Arg", "example.TraceExample", "workMethod", s);
        long l = System.currentTimeMillis();
        System.setProperty("a", s);
        System.setProperty("foo", exceptionMethod());
        System.setProperty("foo", (new StringBuilder(": ")).append(intArrayMethod(new int[] {
            1, 2, 3
        if(l % 2L == 0L)
            AgentHelper.branch("example.TraceExample", "workMethod", 42);
            System.setProperty("a", "Even time");
        } else
            AgentHelper.branch("example.TraceExample", "workMethod", 46);
            System.setProperty("a", "Odd time");
        AgentHelper.exit("example.TraceExample", "workMethod", 48);

    private static String exceptionMethod()
        AgentHelper.enter("example.TraceExample", "exceptionMethod", 54);
          long l = System.currentTimeMillis();
          if(l % 2L == 0L)
              AgentHelper.branch("example.TraceExample", "exceptionMethod", 57);
              throw new Exception("Exception text");
       catch (Exception ex)
         AgentHelper.caught("example.TraceExample", "exceptionMethod", 62, ex);
         AgentHelper.val("Return", "example.TraceExample", "exceptionMethod", "seen exception");
         AgentHelper.exit("example.TraceExample", "exceptionMethod", 62);
         return "seen exception";
        AgentHelper.val("Return", "example.TraceExample", "exceptionMethod", "no exception");
        AgentHelper.exit("example.TraceExample", "exceptionMethod", 64);
        return ((String) ("no exception"));

    private static int intArrayMethod(int ai[])
        AgentHelper.enter("example.TraceExample", "intArrayMethod", 69);
        AgentHelper.val("Arg", "example.TraceExample", "intArrayMethod", ai);
        System.setProperty("a", Arrays.toString(ai));
        AgentHelper.val("Return", "example.TraceExample", "intArrayMethod", 123);
        AgentHelper.exit("example.TraceExample", "intArrayMethod", 70);
        return 123;